Legacy Life Coaching was created through real life experience working with clients at pregnancy centers in Central Valley, California. Many times clients would come in during a crisis moment and the initial conversation would surround the immediate possible pregnancy situation. However, it was soon realized that whether the pregnancy test was positive or negative, more needed to be done to help clients move beyond their current decision-making patterns and walk into the life God created them to live. This is where life coaching came in and radically transformed conversations and future life patterns.
Through training staff and volunteers and the implementation of the A.L.I.V.E Life Coaching Curriculum, clients work through sessions empowering them to grow Mentally, Physically, Socially and Directionally Alive! As the curriculum is based on Biblical values it has the power to transform for the long-term. However, even if clients do not believe in God, the curriculum is created in such a way they will not be “put off” and it has the possibility to open conversations about faith. Regardless, the principles will empower clients to move forward growing in all areas of their life.
Why Life Coaching
Life Coaching in Pregnancy Centers opens the doors of opportunities for clients to choose a better life. Many times negative thoughts and incorrect beliefs, destructive patterns, lack of direction and more limits individuals growth into becoming the person they were created to be. Through the use of a powerful life coaching framework, life coaches work with individuals to help them reach their full potential and live a life they enjoy.
What is a Life Coach?
In sports, a coach tells you, shows you and motivates you; but the coach doesn’t play the game for you. That is the players’ responsibility. Like sports, life coaches teach, impart, model, equip and empower life skills and life purposes. They help individuals identify personal and relevant strengths and set specific and measurable goals. Life coaches empower personal development and give viable feedback. They help individuals become more alive and more excellent in what they think and do. Life coaching is designed to help people find creative ways to reach one’s potential and to maximize one’s own life.
How We Can Help
Through our in-person staff training, online staff training and Life Coaching curriculum for your clients, we exist to help you achieve lasting results with your clients. For more information on our services, click the following tabs.